About Me

Hi!  I’m Erin.  I would consider myself your typical wine drinking, fabulous, "real classy lady" type….on paper.  But really I am a highly opinionated, (sometimes) overly assertive, and slightly co-dependent mid 20’s chick just trying to get through the day.  I LOVE the people/things that I love and I really highly dislike (“hate” is just such a strong word) the people/things that I dislike.  For example: I LOVE my dogs (2 small adorable ones), husband (most of the time), food, family, and fashion.  I dislike anyone who is discourteous or dumb (you can’t fix stupid) and things like NASCAR, Dooney and Bourke purses (designer trash), and Drew Barrymore (I mean, what is up with her face?).

My 7thgrade gym teacher (a lanky, crotchety old man) once said “Opinions are like armpits, everyone has one and they all stink.” I am not sure why he said this but I know he did and I didn’t get it then and I don’t get it now.  Opinions are usually biased on twisting of facts based on someone's viewpoint.  I know this…but it doesn't mean that I still don’t always thing I’m RIGHT!  In my everyday life I'm sure I insert my opinion in every corner where I can possibly tell people what I think....so this is my effort to not do that and to just tell it to anyone who actually WANTS to listen.

I am going to try to incorporate anything from the daily “regular life” stuff (work, friends, marriage, etc.) to my opinion about restaurants, concerts, movies, and any activity that I do.  I also LOVE food, cooking, baking, all of that delicious stuff so since I have a slightly unhealthy relationship with it I’ll talk about it a lot.  :)  Enjoy.

P.S. EEMOE sounds like "emo" like you know the people with the black hair, eyeliner, tatoos, and Converse shoes?