Thursday, December 15, 2011

My single girl advice

I have a lot of opinions... of course.  But today a friend of mine who is smart, successful, and single was worring about a guy she had a few dates not calling her for about a week.  I think what I had to say may make sense for more women than just her.  So all of you single ladies, here you go:

I have some unsolicited advice for you.  I know I’m going to sound somewhat judgmental and please don’t take any of this the wrong way.  I genuinely care about you and I really don’t know everything but I am hypothesizing here a bit so if I’m wrong then feel free to just ignore me J

I see you meet different guys and I see 2 things happen.  #1: You kinda like them cause they seem good “on paper” but they really don’t have that many qualities that make them special to you.  #2: Then, you get concerned about them liking you because you have been hurt before and want to feel liked but in the end I’m not sure you really even care about the person more than you do about just wanted to be with someone and feel accepted.  (Not a bad thing, totally normal.) 

So it’s sort of a hairy situation to be in.   I don’t want to bring up the past but remember how you were with Brad?  You really liked him for who he was at first.  He may have ended up being a kind of self centered jerk but at least you two shared genuine interests and had some kind of “connection” .  It was definitely visible when  I saw you together and even when you first talked about him.  You deserve that feeling and that connection AND someone to treat you right.  Try not to get worried when things don’t work out because you really should keep your eye on having it allIt will work out, I promise…but do not waste your time with someone that is just “okay”.

One more thing, you spend a lot of time doing social things.  What about you?  ….Have you thought about volunteering, starting a new hobby,  (and I like the idea of going back to school)  or doing some other kind of activity where it is just for you? and not only that but those types of things are great for meeting people.  If you focus more on what’s out there for you and to make you a better person you might learn some new things about yourself.  Men like women who have hobbies, interests, etc. (Not saying you don’t but you may enjoy developing those things more.) 

Just sayin… take it or leave it… still love ya!

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